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Ō Mōtika, te matatapu me te haumaru | Your rights, privacy & safety

Our patients' safety is a top priority, and we have rigorous measures in place to ensure this from infection control practices to falls prevention, emergency planning, and security services. There are also a number of ways in which you can help us to keep you, others accessing our services, and our employees safe. Find out more here.

Your rights

We want to work together with you so that you receive the best healthcare possible. When you are in our care, you have the following rights:

  • To be treated fairly, with dignity and respect.
  • To make your own decisions about your care and treatment.
  • To be able to change your mind about aspects of your care.
  • To be asked for your consent (verbal or written) before we carry out any treatment or procedure. (Note, we may take into account the views of your family or whanau if you are not able to communicate with us).
  • To have your cultural needs respected.
  • To be made aware of the choices you have for your treatment, including the benefits and risks involved. (Note, in medical emergencies this may not always be possible).
  • To be communicated with in a way that you understand. To be offered an interpreter, if necessary.
  • To have all treatments, tests or procedures clearly explained to you.
  • To have your personal information kept confidential.
  • To have a family member or support person accompany you (for safety reasons this may not always be possible).

These rights also apply if you are asked to take part in a research study or teaching session for training staff. These rights are based on the Code of Health and Disability Consumer's Rights. A full copy of these rights is available on the Health and Disability Commissioner's website(external link)()

For printable PDF versions of Your Rights patient brochures click your preferred language: Tongan, [PDF, 754 KB] Samoan, [PDF, 755 KB] Māori, [PDF, 670 KB] Korean, [PDF, 759 KB] Hindi, [PDF, 1.5 MB] Simplified Chinese, [PDF, 828 KB] Traditional Chinese, [PDF, 848 KB] English, [PDF, 629 KB] English - large print. [PDF, 625 KB]

Health & disability advocacy

The Health Advocates' Trust provides a free, independent advocacy service to help people ensure their rights are respected. Phone 0800 555 050 or 09 623 5799 for the Auckland office.

The Health and Disability Commissioner is an independent government agency set up to promote and protect the rights of consumers who use health and disability services; help resolve problems between consumers and providers of health and disability services; and improve the quality of health care and disability services. Visit the website(external link)() for more information about your rights or call them directly on phone 0800 11 22 33 or 09 373 1060 for their Auckland office.

Your privacy

To care for you in the best way possible our doctors, nurses and other health professionals directly associated with your care need to view your health information. Other Te Toka Tumai Auckland Hospital staff may need to view your information for administration, quality improvement activities, teaching and, in some cases, for medical research. We will always:

  • Keep your personal information confidential.
  • Let you view your records.
  • Acknowledge your request for corrections to your records.
  • Acknowledge your request not to release your information.

Your health information may be disclosed to another health provider involved in your treatment or where authorised by law. For further information about the privacy of your information, you can call the Auckland Hospital Privacy Officer on: 09 367 0000.

How you can help us

  • Being actively involved in your treatment and care.
  • Sharing with us any information that will help us with your care and treatment.
  • Being sensitive to the needs and privacy of others in our care.
  • Being respectful to our staff and our property.
  • Respecting our no-smoking policy.

Sharing information about you

We have a patient enquiries number (09 375 4300). We only give out information about the ward a patient is in and their general condition. If you are a patient and do not want this information shared, please tell a nurse.