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Training and study days

We offer a comprehensive in-house education and training programme. Our programme is designed to support midwives in meeting the Midwifery Council and Te Toka Tumai Auckland Hospital mandatory education requirements and also contributes to promotion of local and National quality and safety fundamentals. 

The programme aims to foster and enhance midwifery philosophy, clinical skills and wisdom, as well as providing vital learning opportunities for multidisciplinary team-working.  The midwifery education team are either solely responsible for or contribute to, the implementation of the various study days and initiatives within the programme.

The educators also have a significant support and advisory role and encourage staff and access holders to contact them with any queries or requests. 

If you have a questions or queries about training, email the team on

Click here for more Midwifery Council recertification requirements.



Women's Health training schedule

Diabetes in Pregnancy

Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Day

Updates, tips and tricks from physicians, dieticians and midwives.

Dates: Wednesday 19th June 2024

Time: 0800 - 4pm

Location: Marion Davis Library, Building 43, Auckland City Hospital Campus

Cost: Free of charge for Te Toka Tumai staff and access holders.

Booking: Core midwives book on KIOSK. LMCs and other attendees email

Adult Congenital Heart Disease in Pregnancy - Study Day

Adult Congenital Heart Disease In Pregnancy

Study Day for Midwives & Nurses working in maternity

Wed 4th December 2024

8am to 4pm Marion Davis Library



An introduction to ACHD – overview of ACHD conditions and surgeries, caring for ACHD in pregnancy, through birth and post partum, rhythm recognition, case studies.



LMCs – email

Hospital Midwives / Nurses book on KIOSK under; Midwife: ACHD in pregnancy study day

Supporting physiological labour and birth

Thursday 5th of December


Marion Davis Library

  • Spinning babies
  • Sterile water injections
  • Jump in, the water’s fine! A waterbirth refresher
  • Midwifery led care
  • Perineal considerations

Free to ADHB staff  - book on KIOSK

Free for LMCs with access agreement. To book email:

Maternity Emergencies for Registered Nurses

All Registered Nurses practising in maternity settings should attend this study day annually.

Come along to a supportive education day where we will go over a team approach to responding to maternity emergencies. 

All dates are on KIOSK, book under Maternity Emergency Sills for Registered Nurses

Any queries, contact us

BFHI Orientation

Orientation day is for all new staff replacing study days previously known as BF Study Day One and Two

2024 dates are:

January 23rd

April 2nd

July 15th

October 10th

December 3rd

Book in KIOSK

Any queries, contact Tracey Senior



PROMPT - Practical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training

Practical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training is an evidence based multi-professional simulation training workshop for obstetric emergencies. It is associated with direct improvements in perinatal outcome and has been proven to improve knowledge, clinical skills and team working.

Presented by: The ADHB PROMPT Faculty

Time: 0800-1600

Location: Te Toka Tumai Auckland Hospital, Grafton Campus

Dates for 2024:

  • 18 April 2024
  • 8 August 2024
  • 9 October 2024

Free to midwives and nurses. $300 for Doctors.

Book on KIOSK (ADHB staff) or email


Midwifery Emergency Skills Refresher

Cost: Free to ADHB staff and access holders & Auckland Birthcare midwives

Book: KIOSK for staff. LMCs please email:

Available dates for 2024 (subject to availability);

5 August

23 September

25 September

21 October

9 December 


FSEP – Fetal Surveillance Education Programme

The FSEP Full program runs for 7 hours and provides a solid foundation of information for all clinicians involved in antenatal and intrapartum care. The Full program is structured to cumulatively build understanding. Participants in the Full program also complete the FSEP MCQ assessment at the end of the session. This is our core education program and 

is suited to most clinicians requiring education or an update in cardiotocography.

The FSEP Full Day Program will take place 

  • 8 April 2024
  • 5 June 2024
  • 15 August 2024
  • 14 October 2024

Please apply via email to

GAP – GROW charts and the Growth Assessment Protocol

Content includes:

Evidence and best practice

  • Fetal growth restriction and pregnancy outcome  

  • Customised charts: principles, and clinical implications

  • Risk assessment and surveillance: guidelines, algorithms

Clinical application

  • Fundal height - standardised measurement and plotting

  • Referral protocols – indications for further investigation

  • Clinical and practical application – case studies

  • Documentation and record keeping - plotting and referral scenarios

  • Q&A

Presented by: Clare Senner, Kate Clayton and Jodie Rofe Lead educators for GAP New Zealand

Time: 0900-1230

Location: Microsoft teams, link will be sent upon registration

Cost:  Free

Book: GAP NZ diary



Newborn Life Support

The New Zealand Resuscitation Council Newborn Life Support course is:

  • For health professionals who provide newborn life support, including midwives and those working in neonatology
  • A full day training course to develop your skills and knowledge in providing newborn life support
  • A combination of lectures, skills stations, scenarios and assessment

Enhance your learning in a supportive team of midwives, nurses and doctors from maternity and neonatal practice areas.

Presented by: NLS Course Directors; Jo Hegarty, Sarah Bellhouse, Beatle Treadwell and other NZRC NLS accredited instructors (midwives and NICU NNPs)

Time: 08.00am -4.00pm

Location: Clinical Skills Centre, Level 4, Auckland City Hospital

Cost: $50 for ADHB staff and access holders. $100 for others

Mobile Epidural Labour Sessions and CTG workshop

Suitable for all core midwifery staff and midwife LMC access holders. Attendance at a session is essential for core staff looking after women with epidurals in labour and is strongly encouraged for LMC midwives. This session is a prerequisite if you wish to mobilise women with an epidural. You can also attend as a "refresher". 

The CTG interactive workshop is one component in the three year cycle of ongoing fetal surveillance education. This session focuses on human factors, cord gases, intermittent auscultation, case study reviews and challenges in practice.

2024 dates:

June 4th

July 30th

August 27th

October 15th


Please book on kiosk or email


COMBO 2024

COMBO refers to a study day of 4hrs breastfeeding 'combined' with four hours of another maternity topic changing on a yearly basis.

The topic for 2024 is the completion of the Family Violence Intervention Programme (VIP) which includes Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and Child Abuse & Neglect (CAN). 

The day is from 08.00am-4.30pm.

2024 topics are:

Morning Session:

4 hours of breastfeeding education 

Afternoon Session:

      • Violence Intervention Programme 

You MUST complete 8 hours of online learning via Ko Awatea website prior to attending the afternoon session. 

Once you register for the COMBO afternoon we will send you full instructions on how to complete the VIP.

Please book the morning and afternoon separately on KIOSK if you would like to attend the whole day. 

Dates for 2024:

24 April - Teams online

9 May - Face to face

26 June - Teams online

24 July - Face to face

7 August - Face to face

11 September - Teams online

17 October - Teams online

6 November - face to face 

11 December - Teams online